We believe that units need to have the ability to return popcorn in order to have their best sale. We also need to ensure we can don’t over order with replenishment orders during the sale and need a way to distribute product across all units that need it.
Our return policy is changing for 2024 to the following rules:
- All returns made must be factory sealed full cases of popcorn. Once you open a case you CANNOT return it.
- We will have a mid sale return timeframe.
- Units may return cases of popcorn up until October 3rd.
- We will have a process for you to sign up for a date/time to return so as to not overwhelm our Colorado Springs service center and store. You cannot just show up and drop it off.
- We will have a final return at the end of the sale. (around October 21st).
- We will have a few dates available for returns during this time and again will have a sign up for date/time to return. To schedule a return time please click HERE.
- During this return time units will be able to return UP TO 1 CASE of popcorn for every $2000 in traditional sales.
- Traditional sales = storefront + wagon + take order (ENTERED IN THE APP) – does NOT include online sales.
- Example: $5000 in sales = MAX 2 cases (any type) returned
Returns will be able to be done at BOTH Colorado Springs & Pueblo offices.
Units always have the opportunity to check out more during the sale but the same return rules apply.
Units can also always transfer popcorn with other units (including individual containers).