Merit badges support the activities offered by Camp Alexander. While advancement is not the purpose of summer camp, it’s a great time to continue down the Scouting trail.
To sign up for activities, you will need to: 1) be registered to attend a session of summer camp in 2023 and 2) have participant names attached to each registered activity. Beginning April 28, 2023, you will be able to sign up your Scouts for activities using the same portal used for camp registration.
Click here to get a copy of the Scout Schedule Planner where you can have your Scouts write down on paper what they would like to do at camp prior to the April 28th sign up date.
The troop will have access to an advancement report on our registration website throughout the week to track the progress of each Scout; a complete report of all merit badges for all Scouts will be available online prior to departure on Saturday, noting completions and partials, including unfinished requirements.
Available Programs
From learning to swim in our heated pool, to boating on the lake, the Aquatics Staff is ready and willing to teach it all. Our Aquatics Department will offer the following merit badges and programs this summer
Learn the skills needed to successfully pilot the canoe in a straight line and how to rescue a swamped canoe. This session is a great introductory badge for 2nd year scouts and is less difficult than rowing. It is highly recommended that CPR instruction (req 2) be completed prior to camp.
Kayaking provides an introduction to kayaking skills and safety procedures, and serves as a program opportunity for campers.
Another Eagle‐required Merit Badge, Lifesaving is a physically demanding badge. Participants will need good stamina to complete the requirements and should bring pants & long sleeve button down shirt.
Learn to pilot a rowboat. In addition to boat-maneuvering techniques, Scouts will develop skills in boating safety and rescues.
An Eagle required Merit Badge, Swimming is a great badge for first year
scouts. Please remember to bring the needed clothing for each of the
requirements, pants and long sleeve shirt that can get wet. It is highly
recommended that CPR instruction (req. 2) be completed prior to camp.
Aquatics Supervision
In 2009 the BSA revised the Lifeguard class and replaced it
with the new Aquatic Supervision program. Camp Alexander
will be offering the course for adults only. Adults wishing to
participate will need to speak with the Aquatics Director
upon arrival.
Mile Swim Award
Mile Swim is not a merit badge but a BSA Award. Scouts with
very strong swimming skills may wish to earn the Mile Swim BSA
award. To earn this award, a Scout must sign up for the mile
swim award 4th session at 3:00 PM. Preconditioning will be
Monday thru Wednesday with the full mile on Thursday.
Polar Bear Swim Challenge
On Thursday, the Polar Bear Plunge begins at 6:15 AM with a
refreshing dip for those Scouts and Scouters who are brave enough to
sample the chilly waters of Camp Alexander. Participants who
successfully complete this cool dip may purchase a much-sought after
and well-earned Polar Bear patch at the camp Trading Post. Warning:
this program is not for the faint hearted.
Climbing is not a sport that requires tremendous muscular strength; it demands mental toughness and the willingness to practice hard to master a set of skills. The adventure of climbing can also provide a new way to enjoy the outdoors. Weather conditions at Camp Alexander may cause disruption to the climbing schedule, requiring an alternative climbing schedule throughout the week. Scouts will have the opportunity to register for an evening climb or rappelling session. There is no age requirement for the rappel or climbing evening activity. During the week Scouts may have the opportunity to complete a rappel which satisfies the Camping Merit Badge requirement.
Concentration, a sense of adventure, and stamina are some of the requirements needed for rock climbing. Success is measured in part by big smiles, close team work, and the thrill of scaling rock faces in excess of 50 feet. At Camp Alexander the Climbing sessions will be available to Scouts who are 13 years or older.
First Class Center (FCC)
Scoutmasters are strongly encouraged to emphasize the need for rank advancement to all Scouts, especially those who have not yet reached the rank of First Class.
Our staff will guide each Scout through the requirements that are offered. Each Scout will be taught the subject matter and then demonstrate what they learned to a staff member. The Senior Patrol Leader, Patrol Leader, or Scoutmaster should then administer the final test and sign the Scout’s handbook.
The First Class Center is broken into two parts. One section is for those Scouts who are new to the BSA program and are working on Tenderfoot and Second Class rank. This section will cover all the requirements for Tenderfoot and Second Class that can be done at camp. The second section is for those campers that are already Second Class rank and just need a few requirements to earn First Class. Campers needing only FIRST CLASS, have them sign up for a single session in one of the four periods.
Tenderfoot and Second Class Session
First year campers who need Tenderfoot and Second Class requirements should sign up for either double session of Tenderfoot and Second class. Below is the list of requirements they can complete:
TENDERFOOT: 1c, 2c, 3a‐d, 4a‐d, 5a‐c 7a, 8
SECOND CLASS: 1b, 2a‐d, 2f‐g, 3a‐d, 4, 5a‐d, 6a‐e, 8a‐b, 9a‐b
First Class Scouts Session
Scouts needing to complete requirements only for First Class Rank should sign up for a single session at the First Class Center. There are a number of rank requirements that the Troop leadership can work on with each Scout in their respective campsites. Please see your Troop Guide for any additional equipment that you may require. Adult leaders interested in helping out at the First Class Center should contact the FCC Area Director. Leaders are encouraged to attend their Scout’s first session to help with placement into the correct areas of instruction.
FIRST CLASS: 3a‐d, 4a‐b, 5a‐d 6b‐e, 7a‐c
Totin’ Chip Session
Totin’ Chip Session will only be offered on Monday. This will include the Scouts that require it to participate in the Woodcarving and Archery merit badges. FCC campers will earn the certificate in the area during the week and do not need to attend this session.
Firem’s Chit Session
The Firem’n Chit session is offered on Friday morning and covers requirements 2d and 2e for Second Class to attend this session.
Fishing Licenses: Campers may fish in Lake Alexander but must first have a Camp Alexander Fishing Permit. This permit is earned by attending an orientation on Sunday evening or visiting the Business Office to read the rules and regulations. In order to fish on the South Platte River, anyone over the age of 16 must first obtain a State of Colorado Fishing License along with a Camp Alexander Fishing Permit. Colorado State Fishing licenses can be purchased in Lake George.
Master your fishing skills by learning all the knots and casting techniques to land the big one. Gather an understanding of Leave No Trace and how it applies to fishing. Participants will need to bring their own equipment. Limited equipment is available for rent at the Business Office.
The Fly Fishing Merit Badge is for Scouts 13 years and older. It is a double session merit badge held Monday through Friday morning.
Along with the First Class Center, the Handicraft Center at Camp Alexander makes up the hub of our first year camper program. Badge for badge, more Scouts earn Handicraft merit badges at Camp Alexander than at any other area. Except for Pottery, each session will allow the scout to earn two Merit Badges; in which they will start one badge on Monday and then the second on Wednesday. Our Handicraft Center will offer the following merit badges this summer:
This badge is great for first year scouts. Draw and paint your own logo and create stories through designs. It is recommended that requirement 6 (visit an Art exhibit) be completed prior to camp.
Instruction will be given on methods to create baskets and identify the
different types. This is a good badge for first year campers.
Learn how to tool leather, plait, and lace leather pieces together to make
useful items such as wallets, IPod holders, and more. A Merit Badge
recommended for first year campers.
Learn the proper techniques to carve your hiking stick and create useful camp gadgets. Must complete two different carvings, round and low relief. Campers can earn the Totin’ Chip Monday morning at the First Class Center prior.
Hiking, Biking, & Mountain Boarding
Participants will learn about bike and trail maintenance. Several mountain bike rides will take place throughout the week and we recommend scouts be at least 13 years old due to the physical difficulties of this badge.
The word geocache is a combination of “geo,” which means “earth,” and “cache,” which means “a hiding place.” Geocaching describes a hiding place on planet Earth ‐ a hiding place you can find using a GPS unit. A
GPS unit is an electronic tool that shows you where you are based on information it gets from satellites in space.
We will be offering the Hiking Merit Badge as a partial. Scouts will learn about hiking precautions and planning. First aid will also be covered and scouts will hike several trails throughout the camp.
For older scouts ready for a physical challenge! This mix between snowboarding and skateboarding is the latest craze across the nation. Mountain Boarding will be available to scouts during open program times.
Nature Center
Take a gander at the stars and gain knowledge in constellation and planet identification. Night sessions are required for this Merit Badge.
Environmental Science is an advanced, time consuming and demanding merit badge only for Scouts at least 12 years old. This merit badge is a double session, offered in the morning or afternoon. Keep in mind that double sessions may conflict with other badges or camp and troop activities offered. Scouts should plan their schedules accordingly to
avoid conflicts.
Participants will learn about methods used to manage wildlife to balance habitats. They will also work with fish identification and estimates per lake size or fish age.
Take an in‐depth look at the plants, shrubs, and trees that make
up Pike National Forest. Become skilled at identifying 15 different species of trees and gain knowledge on healthy forest management.
Discuss rock formations and how they impact our earth. Participants will also learn about energy, mineral resources or the earth history as an option. Great for 1st year campers!
Good for the 1st or 2nd year camper, Mammal Study will expose the participants to the vast array of wildlife and habitats the camp has to offer. Learn about the different animal kingdoms and classification of different mammals.
This session is a great introduction to the natural world that surrounds us. Discover animals and plants in the camps backyard; learn to identify them and what role they play in the food chain, yum!
Find out what causes rain, wind, hail, and lightning during this session. Scouts will make a rain gauge and keep a weekly log while learning to identify different types of clouds.
Outdoor Skills
The fun of the outdoors combined with practical life‐long skills make up Camp Alexander’s Outdoor Skills Area. Scouts will learn to find their way, build towers, and perfect their camping and survival skills. Our Outdoor Skills staff will offer the following merit badges this summer:
Camping Merit Badge is an introductory to the essentials of outdoor planning. This is a popular badge and 4 sessions are offered to accommodate all participants.
Scouts are often called upon to help because they know first aid and they know about the discipline and planning needed to react to an emergency situation. Earning this merit badge helps a Scout to be prepared by learning the actions that can be helpful and needed before, during, and after an emergency.
First aid—caring for injured or ill persons until they can receive professional medical care— is an important skill for every Scout. Scouts should bring materials for a personal first aid kit to be checked by the instructor. Scouts must have completed all first aid requirements in the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks in order to participate.
Learn about Native American heritage through clothing, food, song, and games. This is great for a first year camper. An Indian Lore kit for making different decorative items is provided at the program area.
Enjoy GPS? Taking the Orienteering Merit Badge will explain the origin of travels with compass and maps. Become skilled at reading a topographical map and compass and learn how to set up a cross‐country course.
Gain knowledge in ropemaking and lashings to create a signal tower or monkey bridge during your week in Pioneering Merit Badge.
Scouts aiming to earn the Search and Rescue merit badge will first learn the important differences between a search and a rescue. A search is an emergency situation requiring a team of trained searchers to locate, access, stabilize, and transport a lost person to safety. Learn what a rescue is in this session.
Ever get lost? Find the basic skills to survive and signal for help in the event you get lost or stranded in the wilderness. Participants will stay in their natural shelter Thursday night. This badge may require extra time for projects outside the regular class schedule.
Shooting Sports
Archery requires a certain degree of strength and patience. Participants are required to have or obtain their Totin’ Chip card prior to the first session.
Learn the techniques for proper gun safety and shooting. Participants will use a .22 caliber Savage single shot rifle to qualify for the requirements of marksmanship.
Scouts wishing to enroll in the Shotgun merit badge MUST be at least 13 years old. This merit badge is physically demanding and requires a lot of stamina.
Sporting Arrows is much like sporting clays for shotguns except the discs are designed for archery. Scouts will purchase tickets at the trading post or at the Shooting Range. The cost is $1 per ticket which will give you 10 shots. This program takes place during evening activities.
Welding & Moviemaking / Photo
Scouts will learn how to make movies/short films with this merit badge! Camp Alexander has a number of Go Pros and cameras for scouts to use to make their own film! Scouts will also be taking videos of program areas, and the videos they make could potentially be used for Camp Alexander marketing.
Scouts who sign up for photography will be using high quality cameras to take pictures of Camp Alexander and scouts in action! Pictures they take potentially could be used for Camp marketing material. Scouts do not need to bring their own camera. Camp Alexander will provide all the supplies necessary for the program.
Camp Alexander’s Welding program is one of our newer merit badges we offer. Scouts will have hands on experience day one with a welder and learn about this unique skill set. Scouts will make projects and learn about career opportunities in the field. Space is very limited for this class!
Scouts need to bring long pants and sturdy shoes. All other supplies
are provided and gear is supplied by Lincoln Electric.
Adult Leader Activities
Throughout the week a number of activities have been arranged for Adult Leaders. It should be noted that an adult’s primary function at camp is to look after, assist and counsel Scouts in their unit.
Sunday – Leaders’ Meeting
Monday – Into Leave No Trave
Tuesday – Leaders’ Meeting
Thursday – Leaders’ Shotgun Shoot
Friday – Climb on Safely, Merit Badge Review
See Aquatics – Aquatics Supervision