The Scouting Heritage Society of the Pathway to the Rockies Council recognizes the men and women who believe in preserving the tradition and values of Scouting as well as perpetuating its future for generations to come. The following items encompass the Scouting Heritage Society.
Second Century Society
The Second Century award is given to donors who make an outright gift of $25,000 or more payable over five years, or a deferred gift of $100,000 or more, to a local council, BSA Foundation, high-adventure base or any BSA entity for operating, capital or endowment. These gifts may be in the form of cash, securities, land, five-year pledges, or other property suitable for a council endowment fund or easily converted to cash.
Presidents Leadership Council
The Presidents Leadership Council recognizes gifts of $1,000,000 or more designated to or through the BSA Foundation payable over five years, as part of an advised fund, designated fund, trust or other Foundation fund structure.