Our Council can quickly share information in an easy and memorable way via our shortURL system:
Just know — 060 is our council number; and the basic rules in the tabs below.
BeAScout Pin
The BeAScout Pin is the digital business card of the unit, and should be updated regularly. It’s works like a digital directory of our units with their best contact information. The shortURL system allows everyone in the council to easily find information for unit’s they would like to contact. This can be used for referrals, finding unit’s for crossover, and organizing bigger events. We’d especially like to see greater cooperation between troops and packs.
After the base URL: https://bsa060.us/
add unit type and then unit number:
- p for pack
- t for troop
- c for crew
- s for ship
- e for explorer post
example: https://bsa060.us/p100
two units with the same number
linked troops – add b or g following the unit number
example: https://bsa060.us/t71b and https://bsa060.us/t71g
units from our former councils – add n or s
example: https://bsa060.us/t7n and https://bsa060.us/t7s
Quick link to a unit’s calendar*
Easily share the link to a unit’s online application by adding the word ‘apply’ before the unit type.
(Great for join nights, transfers and AOL crossover)
NOTE: the parent/adult needs to login to their my.scouting.org before using the link to the unit application.
type apply after the base URL:https://bsa060.us/apply
then, add unit type and then unit number
- p for pack
- t for troop
- c for crew
- s for ship
- e for explorer post
example: https://bsa060.us/applyp100
two units with the same number
linked troops – add b or g following the unit number
example: https://bsa060.us/applyt71b and https://bsa060.us/applyt71g
units from our former councils – add n or s
example: https://bsa060.us/applyt7n and https://bsa060.us/applyt7s
Useful information and links to upcoming events can quickly be shared. Please watch for these on flyers, emails and especially in the newsletter.
Directions to Update Your Units BeAScout Pin
Sign-up Sheet for Back to School Tables
Pack in a Box