Advancement is one of the methods of Scouting and allows Scouts to be recognized for their achievements and advance in rank on the ‘Trail to Eagle’.

Become a Merit Badge Counselor
A merit badge counselor serves as a teacher, mentor and examiner of Scouts. Follow these steps:
- Take Youth Protection Training
- BSA Adult Application Fillable (Code 42)
- Merit Badge Counselor Form
- Submit your YPT certificate and both application forms to the Council Registrar.
- Complete all the Basic Training Modules:
- Log into your My.Scouting account
- Select Menu, then My Training
- Select Scouts BSA under Courses by Program
- Select Merit Badge Counselor from the Training Courses by Program, then Start
- All modules must be completed to be considered ‘Basic Trained’ as a Merit Badge Counselor.
- Uniform (optional). As a Merit Badge Counselor, you may wear the official BSA uniform with silver shoulder epilates for any Scout program that involves merit badges (Scouts BSA, Venturing, Sea Scouting).